Industrial / Research Robotic Manipulators
Over the years, we could sense requirement of educators towards industrial grade robotic arms that allow academic research on kinematics. Conventional industrial robots are proprietary i.e. no access to internal firmware.
Hence, we have developed unique products to cater to this demand. SCARA as well as 6-axis designs are available.
Our IR+ series of robots are actual industrial manipulators with industrial controller; however, they are fully programmable axis-by-axis. They offer best of the two world i.e. industrial as well as kinematic research.
Our open architecture design arms are based on- 'Make-Your-Own-Industrial-Robot'. Even the physical parameters of the arms can be varied. This takes the academic research potential to the new level.
Finally, we offer collaborative industrial robotic arms from Dobot- M1 & CR6-5.
All arms are industrial grade with AC servo motors (except M1) with absolute encoders and brakes on all axes, EtherCAT technology, machine simulation and parameter oscilloscope. A large variety of accessories and customization is available.
Please give us call (+91 9689 88 5327) or write to us ( to know more.